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Please take the abort button out for money play mini tourney

Please take the abort button out for money play mini tourney
Posted by Charmeuse (VIP) Jul 3 2015 11:37PM

It's really annoying when in a money game, my opponent keeps pressing the abort button in every round when he's really far behind or he thinks he's really losing the game. Please take that button out! It's really annoying! You won't see people taking chips back from the table in a casino after game starts, will you?

Abort button
Posted by webmaster (moderator) Jul 4 2015 8:03PM

When you receive an Abort offer from an opponent ... before you quickly answer NO, please select the check-box 'Do not ask the same question again". This will result with auto-denial for any further Abort offer within the same hand. As all Ticket games are fully recorded, frequent abusers of Abort offers or similar unsportsmanlike tactics can be warned and then fined and then may face other administrative actions. As opposed to land-based tournament games, on Internet Abort button is justified as opponent might face real issues such as technical difficulties or can be distracted by any external 'emergency' event e.g, phone, boss, dog, fire, etc.

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